Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Post 1: Class Survey

1. Preferred name: Caroline
2. Hometown: Troy, Michigan 
3. Would like to teach high school math preferably Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and Trigonometry. 
4. During my high school career I played golf all four years, but chose not to continue on with it in college. Golf played a major role in my life during high school and it is still one of the most important things in my life that I enjoy. I spent time in high school doing service projects as well as  leading and participating in various clubs. This semester I plan on getting involved in CSSA, and joining a sorority. I also plan to work somewhere on campus during the school year. 
5. A major belief that I have is the thought that it is best to surround yourself with positive people. The linked article below explains multiple reasons as to why surrounding oneself with positive people is a good thing. I believe that the better people there are in your life the better your life will not only be, but the happier with your life you will be. Everyone has certain people in their life that always leave a positive impact. As I got older I was able to realize that the more people like this in my life, the happier I was. I also noticed that I myself started to become a better person a little at a time. I think that it is important to have people in your life that accept your differences, support your decisions, and want what is best for you. A perfect example of this would be family and friends that someone considers close enough to be family. By surrounding yourself with good company, you can make it through anything.
6. I think to be comfortable to take positive risks in a college classroom, trust is needed throughout the entire class. The students have to trust their peers and their teacher and the teacher has to trust his or her students. I also think that everyone should be open minded, patient and not quick to judge those in their class so that each student can get the most out of his or her time in the classroom.
7. A formative experience that I had as a student was receiving a teacher that today serves as the person I would like to be most like when I am a teacher. Junior year I was able to have the teacher that confirmed my decision to want to be a teacher. He not only taught the material well, but he also cared for each and everyone of his students. He was a good person and reflected his values and morals which left an impact on every student he had. Because of his care, big heart, teaching ability, and values, throughout an entire year I was able to see the type of teacher I wanted to be.
8.  In education I think there are many issues. Right now technology plays a large roll in the world of education yet its usefulness hasn't quite been discovered. While technology in the classroom has many benefits it also has many disadvantages. I think that more research and development spent on this topic could allow the best way to use technology in the classroom to be discovered. I also have concerns with what is being taught. I think it needs to be thought about what kids really need to know for the future. Yes, math, science, english, history are all important, but what about how to pay bills, how to apply for a student loan, or the process of buying a house. While many of these things can be taught by parents, some students don't have the best parenting system, and schools should be teaching it more than they currently are.
9. Questions for the class/teacher: What was your reasoning for entering the field of education?

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